The BSE indemnity insurance facility

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Did you know that even with NHS coverage, in certain circumstances the Health Authority may pass the cost of legal action onto the employee? And even if the majority of your work is for the NHS, any practise outside of this could leave you liable.

As a healthcare provider you’re vulnerable to malpractice and liability allegations. That’s why insurance is so important, to protect you, your business, your clients and the public.

Guarding against injury

You may be treating patients all day, but you, your employees, someone visiting your practice or even a member of the public could be injured, whether or not it’s related to a treatment and whether your business is at fault or not. Injuries are upsetting and stressful, but they can also cost you time, money and possibly your reputation.

Disagreements with patients

Despite your complete professionalism, you might be challenged on prescribed treatments or their long-term outcomes. It could be that a patient has an unexpected reaction to a drug, a treatment program is delayed and their condition worsens, or a family member claims you were negligent in diagnosis and treatment.

Keeping things running

Your key assets are your hands and your mind, but technology plays a big role too and if key diagnostic equipment breaks down, you won't be able to provide treatment to patients until it’s up and running again. While that happens, a patient’s condition may deteriorate and it could have a long-term effect on their health. There’s also the impact on your business if you’re unable to work to consider.

The BSE indemnity insurance facility

Provided exclusively for members of the BSE by FOCUS, the insurance facility covers the full range of non-invasive Cardiac Physiology duties including Echos & ECGs, Heart & Blood Pressure monitoring including ambulatory and Exercise Stress Testing.

The facility provides Medical Malpractice and Public Liability Insurance cover as standard, with Employers’ Liability and Business Equipment cover as optional extras.

Medical malpractice

Medical Malpractice insurance is absolutely critical You can’t do your job properly without knowing you’re covered if things so wrong –. It is designed specifically for people whose job involves giving medical treatment and guidance to their patients. It’s there to cover any compensation you may have to pay if a patient claims they’ve suffered an injury, illness or unexpected outcome as a result of treatment or advice they received from you.

Public liability insurance

As a medical professional you work with members of the public every day. There’s always a danger that the treatments you provide could cause unexpected injury, but there are also the potential accidents that have nothing to do with treatment. Public liability insurance is important if a member of the public claims they’ve been injured or that their property was damaged while visiting your practice.

Find out more

To discuss your situation and understand the risks you could be exposed to, talk to us or visit our website.

Nick Clements Cert CII
[email protected]

01865 953 119

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